

Installation view, Apologies (2012 – ongoing), Apologies and Other Regrets, Empty Gallery, June 8 – August 17, 2024.

Installation view, Apologies (2012 – ongoing), Apologies and Other Regrets, Empty Gallery, June 8 – August 17, 2024.

Installation view, Stabbed in the Back (2023 – ongoing), Apologies and Other Regrets, Empty Gallery, June 8 – August 17, 2024.

Installation view, Stabbed in the Back (2023 – ongoing), Apologies and Other Regrets, Empty Gallery, June 8 – August 17, 2024.

Installation view of De Anima in the 14th Gwangju Biennale, April 7 – July 9, 2023.

Animal, Ikon Gallery, 2021

James T. Hong, Apologies v.2016.2 at Jewish Museum of Vienna, 2022

The Thing, Empty Gallery, 2019

Three Arguments About the Opium War (2015), Art Basel Hong Kong, 2022

De Anima, 2021, two-channel video installation

Image courtesy of the artist.

EMP, 2020, watercolor on paper

Image courtesy of the artist.

Opening Closing Forgetting (still), 2018

Image courtesy of the artist.

Terra Nullius or: How to be a Nationalist (still), 2015

Image courtesy of the artist.


洪子健曾獲多項殊榮,包括2007年捷克伊赫拉瓦國際紀錄片影展的最佳世界紀錄片獎、2018年紐約Art Matters基金會獎及2018年釜山國際電影節最佳紀錄片獎。他曾在多個著名機構舉辦個展,包括維也納猶太博物館(2022)、伯明翰Ikon畫廊(2021)以及Empty Gallery(20242019)。近期參與的群展包括邦納藝術協會(2024)、世界文化宮(20222017)、龐畢度中心梅斯分館(2021)、第十二屆台北雙年展(2020)及貝爾格勒當代藝術博物館(2018)。