Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork


Installation view of Poems of Electronic Air, Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Carpenter Center for Visual Arts, Harvard University, February 2 – April 7, 2024. Photo: Julia Featheringill.

Installation view of Poems of Electronic Air, Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Carpenter Center for Visual Arts, Harvard University, February 2 – April 7, 2024. Photo: Julia Featheringill.

Installation view of Poems of Electronic Air, Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Carpenter Center for Visual Arts, Harvard University, February 2 – April 7, 2024. Photo: Julia Featheringill.

Installation view of Poems of Electronic Air, Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Carpenter Center for Visual Arts, Harvard University, February 2 – April 7, 2024. Photo: Julia Featheringill.

Installation view of Poems of Electronic Air, Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Carpenter Center for Visual Arts, Harvard University, February 2 – April 7, 2024. Photo: Julia Featheringill.

Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Not Exactly (Whatever the New Key Is), 2017–ongoing, PVC tarpaulin walls, centrifugal blowers, Arduino microcontroller, MIDI and trigger relay, dimensions variable. Installation view, Taipei Biennial 2023: Small World, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, November 18, 2023 – March 24, 2024.

Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Not Exactly (Whatever the New Key Is), 2017–ongoing, PVC tarpaulin walls, centrifugal blowers, Arduino microcontroller, MIDI and trigger relay, dimensions variable. Installation view, Taipei Biennial 2023: Small World, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, November 18, 2023 – March 24, 2024.

Installation view of Like a Breath of Fresh Water, Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Visual Arts Center, University of Texas Austin, September 22 – December 2, 2023. Photo: Melissa Nuñez.

Installation view of Like a Breath of Fresh Water, Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Visual Arts Center, University of Texas Austin, September 22 – December 2, 2023. Photo: Melissa Nuñez.

Installation view of Olistostrome, Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Empty Gallery, 2021. Courtesy: artist, Empty Gallery. Photo: Michael Yu

Installation view of Olistostrome, Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Empty Gallery, 2021. Courtesy: artist, Empty Gallery. Photo: Michael Yu

Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, the input of this machine is the power an output contains, 2020, “Made in L.A. 2020: a version” installation view at Hammer Museum, 2021. © Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork. Courtesy: artist, Empty Gallery and François Ghebaly. Photo: Photo: Joshua White / JWPictures.com.

Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, the input of this machine is the power an output contains, 2020, “Made in L.A. 2020: a version” installation view at Hammer Museum, 2021. © Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork. Courtesy: artist, Empty Gallery and François Ghebaly. Photo: Photo: Joshua White / JWPictures.com.

Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Noise Blanket, Nos. 11 – 16, or Everybody’s Got Choices, 2019, “Searching the Sky for Rain” installation view at SculptureCenter, New York. © Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork. Courtesy: artist, Empty Gallery and François Ghebaly. Photo: Kyle Knodell.

Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Noise Blanket, Nos. 11 – 16, or Everybody’s Got Choices, 2019, “Searching the Sky for Rain” installation view at SculptureCenter, New York. © Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork. Courtesy: artist, Empty Gallery and François Ghebaly. Photo: Kyle Knodell.

Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Not Exactly B-Flat, 2017, “Catchy” installation view at Empty Gallery, Hong Kong, 2017. © Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork. Courtesy: artist, Empty Gallery and François Ghebaly. Photo: Michael Yu

Noise Blanket No.7, 2017. Installation view of SFAI 150 | A Spirit of Disruption at San Francisco Art Institute, 2021. Courtesy: artist, Empty Gallery and François Ghebaly. Photo: Michael Yu

Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork,1982年生於洛杉磯,其多元混雜的藝術實踐結合聲音裝置、雕塑和演出,意在 重整觀眾、表演者和展覽建築間傳統的分類等級制。她畢業於舊金山藝術學院,並於史丹福大學研究 聲學與電腦音樂歷史。

Gork 的個人作品展曾於香港的Empty Gallery(2017)、洛杉磯的356Mission、三藩市的The Lab(2016)以及 芳草地藝術中心(2016)舉行;曾參與的聯展包括有洛杉磯漢默美術館(Made in LA 2020)、紐約的 SculptureCenter(2019)、舊金山現代藝術博物館(2017)以及莫斯科V-A-C Foundation (2018)。她曾獲洛 杉磯郡藝術博物館2021年的 Art + Technology Lab Grant。她在Empty Gallery的第二個個展現正舉行,而她 在紐約François Ghebaly的首個展覽將於2022年1月舉行。