Jes Fan


Contrapposto, Cross Section (Right Leg Muscle II), Cross Section (Right Leg Muscle III), Gut on view at Whitney Biennial: Even Better Than the Real Thing, March 20 – August 20, 2024. Organized by Chrissie Iles, Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Curator and Meg Onli, Curator at Large, with Min Sun Jeon and Beatriz Cifuentes. Photography: Ron Amstutz

Installation view, Whitney Biennial: Even Better Than the Real Thing, March 20 – August 20, 2024. Organized by Chrissie Iles, Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Curator and Meg Onli, Curator at Large, with Min Sun Jeon and Beatriz Cifuentes. Photography: Ron Amstutz

Installation view, Whitney Biennial: Even Better Than the Real Thing, March 20 – August 20, 2024. Organized by Chrissie Iles, Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Curator and Meg Onli, Curator at Large, with Min Sun Jeon and Beatriz Cifuentes. Photography: Ron Amstutz

Jes Fan, Gut, 2024, 3D print of artist’s internal organ, fiberglass, resin, pigment, glass, metal, 35.36 x 78.74 x 21.59 cm

Jes Fan, Gut, 2024, 3D print of artist’s internal organ, fiberglass, resin, pigment, glass, metal, 35.36 x 78.74 x 21.59 cm

Jes Fan, Adductor 2024, pigmented polymer-modified gypsum, glass, 40.64 x 40.64 x 30.48 cm

Installation views, Jes Fan, Sites of Wounding: Chapter 2, Sigg Prize 2023

Courtesy of M+ Museum, Hong Kong
Photography: Michael Yu

Installation views, Jes Fan, Sites of Wounding: Chapter 2, Sigg Prize 2023

Courtesy of M+ Museum, Hong Kong
Photography: Michael Yu

Installation views, Jes Fan, Sites of Wounding: Chapter 2, Sigg Prize 2023

Courtesy of M+ Museum, Hong Kong
Photography: Michael Yu

Jes Fan, Bivalve II, 2023 002

Jes Fan, Bivalve II, 2023. Aqua resin, glass, pigments and metal. 135.3 x 88.9 x 34.9 cm.

Left: Wounding, 2022. Middle: Fragrant Harbor, 2022. Right: Apparatus, 2022.

Installation view, The 59th La Biennale di Venezia 2022: ‘The Milk of Dreams’

Jes Fan, Fragrant Harbour, 2022. Glass, aqua resin, metal, wood, silicone, 190 x 114 x 79 cm.

Installation view of Network (for Dispersal), 2021, at Liquid Ground, UCCA Dune, 2022
Photography by Sun Shi
Courtesy UCCA Center for Contemporary Art

Installation view from ‘The Stomach and the Port,’ Liverpool Biennial, 2021

Image courtesy of the artist and Liverpool Biennial 2021
Photo: Stuart Whipps

Jes Fan, Form Begets Function, 2020

Installation view from 22nd Biennale of Sydney: NIRIN

Image courtesy of the artist and 22nd Biennale of Sydney: NIRIN, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia

范加 (生於加拿大士嘉堡)在香港及紐約布魯克林生活及工作。范加的基礎訓練為玻璃製造,但他擴展創作實踐領域以涵蓋多種媒介和方法。由錄像到雕塑,他的跨科際實踐著眼於生物學與性別化及種族化身體物質性相對應身份的相交點。范加曾獲頒多個研究基金如 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant (2022)Joan Mitchell Painters and Sculptors Grant2017)及Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship2019-2020)。近期展覽包括Empty Gallery, 香港 (20232018);麻省理工 List Visual Arts CenterUCCA Dune (2022) Kunsthall Trondheim (2021);上海外灘美術館,中國(2019);Hayward Gallery,英國(2019);藝術和設計博物館,美國(2017)。范加曾參與多個藝術家駐場計劃包括Bemis Center for Contemporary ArtsRecess Art Pioneer Works。他亦曾參與威尼斯雙年展(2022)、New Museum Triennial (2021)、利物浦雙年展(2021)、悉尼雙年展(2020)及Socrates Annual (2019)。2023年,他在M+博物館希克獎2023的展覽中展出了「Sites of Wounding: Chapter 2」。

他是由香港Empty Gallery 和紐約Andrew Kreps Gallery共同代理。